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Welcome to our BIG decor department!

Our store is spread across two large floors, and on the upper floor we have our decorating and home/interiors departments.

At T Dickey & Co Mica we are proud to be a Dulux Colour & Advice centre. This status means our range has been accredited by the UKs number one paint brand Dulux as being able to meet almost any need you might have within their field of excellence, and to a high professional standard of customer service.

This means we have a very wide range of paint in stock, and because we buy large quantities, it’s all available at great prices!
We have four colour mixing machines, which means our trained staff can colour match pretty much any colour you can come up with (from a fabric, magazine, or photo even!) and mix it while you wait. Whilst we strive to match any colour you might bring in, we must confess we have yet to successfully mix a tin of red tartan paint!

We also stock Trade Paint from Leyland for the professional tradesman, along with other major brands including Weathershield, promotional Berger & Sandtex products (both part of the Crown Paints group), Little Greene, Colourtrend and a large range of Cuprinol & Hammerite wood & metal paints (Part of the Dulux group), LG Harris, Ronseal, Rustins, Unibond, Solvite & Loctite. Over many years have developed expert knowledge through training and testing as to which products work best where, and our staff are always on hand to pass on their expertise to you, if you need assistance.

We stock the best names in the business because we know when it comes to coatings, there’s no point compromising on quality – if you do then you’ll only end up doing the job twice because you’re not satisfied!
Our instore department breaks down into the above categories; we’ve got something for everyone!

To view our Decor Products please click here

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